Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Reflection

Photo credit: John Biehler

Like language, technology is constantly changing. When I first considered taking the EME 2040 Introduction to Technology for Educators Class, I expected it to be an easy course that I could cruise through since I was already an experienced teacher. I was up for an awakening. I expected the class would include actual teachers like me, who just wanted to be in the know about Instructional Technology today. I was in for an awakening...Not only was my ability to construct PowerPoints challenged, but I realized that I had fallen into the great divide! My classmates were at least ten years my junior! When all is said and done, I feel that a class such as this one should be compulsory for all teachers of K-12 students. We are teaching the I-generation!

This class called on my creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, and lastly, my recalling skills; all levels on Bloom's Taxonomy, but our assignments forced us to use the upper level skills. We were challenged to create Blogs, web-quests, teacher web pages, collaborative lesson plans, Instructional Wikis and even game. We were encouraged to present personally created PowerPoint using pecha kucha. As expected, discussions were also an important aspect of the course. 
I learned a wealth of knowledge and uncovered a lot of material that I expect to use for years to come. Take for instance: blogging. I never in my wildest dreams consider taking up blogging. At first, I found the whole process tedious, but got into the hang of things. I was forced to read the text, and demonstrate my own creative expression in discussing aspects and applying it to teaching. I found that engaging and revitalizing. This is a strategy that I could use with an upper level students. There are times when we encounter books that appear less interesting than we would hope… having students blog about the topics should bring a bit more excitement and interest, especially as it demands creativity. Additionally, the use of a discussion board could force students to talk about issues relevant to their lesson. The I-generation comprises of expert typists. Once they are interested in the topic, they will talk/type about it.
I was reminded of the vast amount of technology that students have at their disposal each day and the innovative ways that teachers can use this technology to impart learning to students. One learning outcome was to develop internet based projects using technology as a medium and a goal. This forced me to work with my classmates and I will admit, it was not the easiest thing, but the exercise allowed us to become more acquainted with each other and share ideas as to how we would approach the strategies toward the goal of building the collaborative lesson plan; I am glad that I know that this process becomes easier. Building the web quest and teacher web pages were interesting and exciting.  These would be useful in the classroom both for my students and for me as teacher. With the use of the web-quest and its interactivity and the website with all the resources it should hold. The teacher of today needs to utilize the cell phones, the social media, the tablets and all the apps they possess (there is an app for everything), to ensure that the classroom is an exciting and student centered environment. Our Professor was a good model to the use of Technology in today's classroom.

In conclusion, I will end with this popular Chinese proverb: "Tell me, I forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I'll understand".


COMMON COURSE SYLLABUS . (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2014, from
Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I'll understand.
Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I'll understand.

Maloy, R. W., Verock-O, R. E., Edwards, S. A., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Transforming learning with new technologies. Allyn & Bacon.

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